Workshops, events
Team members participated to the ICIOT conference as part of the Services Conference Federation (SCF).
Team members participated to the SMARTCOMP conference and in particular contributed to a panel on "Challenges in Enabling Effective Smart Cities and Communities: Global Perspectives".
ARM@Middleware 18
Team members are involved in the organization of the ARM workshop at Middleware. The 17th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2017) follows on the success of the previous editions exploring how reflective approaches and associated techniques can accommodate changes in the middleware environment. Specifically, a middleware should adapt itself based upon reasoning about its run-time behavior and current surrounding conditions (e.g., network dynamics, available resources, changes in the context). To highlight the importance of applying technology in areas of grand challenge, the theme for the 2018 edition of the workshop is "Smart and Connected Communities for Environmental Challenges".
DSM and MiMove teams contributed to the working session on Scaling up for the IoT at the 2017 annual Inria@SiliconValley workshop
DSM and MiMove teams participated to the US-Europe Invited Workshop on Next-Generation Internet of Things held at USC in Spring 2016
ACM MMSys 2016, 2017
MiMove and DSM jointly organized special sessions on IoT connectivity and infrastructure at leading conferences (ACM MMSys 2017, ACM MMSys 2018)